Maybe doomsday is close, with all these storms, blizzards, volcano eruptions and floods everywhere. Marie and I are starting to wonder if we picked a bad time for visiting this part of the world, even the exchange rate is bad!
Mt. Redoubt has been spitting ash in to the air for a few days now, and the airport in Anchorage is closed. We thought we might get away from the ash fall here in Willow, until tonight when I was outside feeding puppies, and I couldn't understand why the snow hitting me in the eyes stung so bad until I looked down and realized it was "snowing" ash. Luckily we only got a few millimeters, and hopefully that's all for now.
Marie has a flight to Juneau on Monday, and I am supposed to fly to Seattle on Wednesday. Right now we're just crossing our fingers and hoping for some wind that might clear the ash from the air, and that Mt. Redoubt goes back to sleep. It's a silly volcano anyways, it doesn't even have lava!
Other than that life goes on pretty much as normal. Tante Kari and JP are racing in Tòk this weekend, and Marie and I are running the show, running dogs and knitting.
We were supposed to go to the North American Championships open class in Fairbanks last weekend, but JP didn't feel like he had a team, so we ended up going to Anchorage and seeing Banff instead. We stayed with Halvor at UAA, and had a super weekend with skiing and snowboarding at Aleyaska, beautiful weather, beautiful scenery, and awesome movies.